Sunday, December 3, 2006

Nasrallah&The Shia

I wonder what makes a whole community submissive to a human being who has not distinguished himself in intellect nor common sense… Why is it being a Shiite automatically means that you should regard Hassan Nasrallah as some holy figure whose words are divine demands that should be followed against better judgment?

Why didn’t the people clustered all over down town Beirut demand their rights of re-compensation after they were forced out of their homes, their properties lost, their lives destroyed due to a war started by Nasrallah and now they flock Beirut and ask for the government’s resignation? How come they do not understand that each day they paralyze the economy, due to their inability or their unwillingness to think individually, they are adding to their poverty which they claim they are demonstrating to change?

The problem with religion is like Plato’s cave analogy. People have their back to the sun and if someone dares to say they are seeing the shadows and not the real people he is outcast as a blasphemous. The followers of Nasrallah are so afraid to admit the truth they see underneath all that hypocrisy or they would be labeled traitors to their community that they sadly ruin their country and are convinced they are doing what they are doing according to their will…

I hope that tomorrow like the kid who said that The Emperor is naked, someone dares to speak up from that water-pipe camp they have built and admits that Nasrallah is an Iranian puppet and their responsibility as Lebanese should be to raise the Lebanese flag in their minds not on TV’s and in squares. Then, I hope we will try to pick up the pieces that are getting too small day after day to glue together.


Anonymous said...

you got it right......sheeps running after their shephard...only to be slaughtered

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nancy, this is a very powerful post. However, I think your argument applies more to Berri who has done nothing to his community rather than to Nasrallah, who arguably has.

Our almost genetic predisposition to flock blindly around the leader who flaunts our version of the bible or Koran is disgusting.