Monday, December 4, 2006

The "Martyr"

The "martyr" is having his day in heaven today. I heard he was going to the infamous downtown for the general worship. Didn't you know that if you die during a fight with your fellow men you become more important than people who are desperately trying to believe in a country long lost?

What is going on? Did we wait so long for "Godot" that we forgot that at the end of the day Lebanese will remain Lebanese? "The common sense is not the common" says Voltaire and indeed today's festival/carnival (I do not really how to describe it) clearly proves it!

I am not saying that he shouldn't be remembered but for heaven's sake, we are all dying and a slow, painful death; shouldn't we reserve our ticket for a downtown funeral?

I think it is a self-service and I want my turn!

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